Date | Country | City | Venue | Comments / Sources |
1974-1979 | USA |
Mesilla Valley Low Boys: | | | | Formed around late 1974 |
October | | El Paso |  | Bulldogg Bar, N. Mesa Street |
1975 | 1st of 4 Semester in Music School [paid for by Vet. Bill] |
FZ & MOI: | | | | With guest vocalist Cpt. Beefheart; [CD released - Bongo Fury in El Paso] |
May 23 | | El Paso | County Coliseum | Invited to sing two songs [JCB] [..."sat in with the band for a 15 minute doo-wop set that took me straight back to the earliest days of The Mothers." - Marc W. McCord 2015] |
Cpt. Beefheart & the Magic Band: | | | | Skip next semester to do this tour [JCB] |
June | | | | JCB says 6 weeks of rehearsals but it could only have been 4. The whole involvement with Beefheart covered a 7 week spell from the El Paso gig |
End of June | | Chicago | | In Chicago for Don's interviews and recording a TV Show for "Sound Stage" [JCB] |
July 2 | | London | | 3 days in London before festival [JCB] |
July 5 | | Knebworth | Festival | |
July 6 | | | | Return to US [JCB] |
July 14 | | LA | Roxy | |
July 15 | | LA | Roxy | |
Mesilla Valley Lo Boys: | | | | (Originally the Mesilla Valley Low Boys) |
Late July | | | | Randy Russ has been replaced by Jeff Littlejohn, this line-up lasts about 18 mths [JCB] |
1976 | 2nd & 3rd Semester in Music School? |
Early '76 | | Ruidoso, NM | Buckaroo | 3-night gig; Tom Leavey joins band |
| | | | After 3 mths with Tom, record single Play Your Music |
(FZ & MOI: | | | | |
Mar 5 | | El Paso | 
| Plaza Theatre El Paso [Poster: courtesy of Jeane Fowkes] |
Mesilla Valley Lo Boys: | | | | The end: |
late '76 | | | | All but 2 of band leave; Randy Russ returns briefly: next 2 gigs |
1st gig | | | | Near disaster [JCB] RRuss rat-arsed |
2nd gig | | Roswell | Panama Red's | |
1977 |
Big Sonny & The Lo Boys: | | | | Mesilla Valley Lo Boys metamorphose into Big Sonny ... Together for about 3 years |
1978 | JCB - 4th Semester at Music School? |
Big Sonny & The Lo Boys: | | | | |
mid - year | | El Paso | Kings - X | |
1979 | JCB files for divorce this year |
Big Sonny & The Lo Boys: | | | | In Heat LP album released; 7" Single also released |
July 04 | | Anthony Gap Saloon? | Anthony, N.M. | As reported by fan Stuart (Maniac) - JCB bio [] |
Dec 31 | | | | JCB plays last gig with band and quits, moving up to Albuquerque |
<<1969-73 1980-82>> |