For Mother's Sake

For Mothers Sake Cover

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!


**Latest NewsWe've been working lately on two new editions of "For Mother's Sake" as a toast to Jimmy's 85 Years! **


So, to mark Jimmy's 85 birthday on Feb 2 2023 & now available for purchase on Amazon websites worldwide:

* A revised 1st Edition Paperback of Jimmy's Memoirs 


 * A 1st Edition Hardback of Jimmy's Memoirs

* Revised Kindle e-Book and Smashwords e-Pub digital versions are also included in these updates - see the e-Book! link above left]

Kindle, Paperback and Hardback copies can be purchased from Amazon websites worldwide

The Smashwords e-Pub copy can be purchased on a number of popular online booksellers as well as from

* For a taster, visit an overview of the book here and a decade-by-decade synopsis of Jimmy's life. 

 [First published posthumously on November 1st 2013]

Some Comments:

"I have just started reading the book all over again, it's really just like listening to Jimmy talking!"
Sandro Oliva [Italia]

"Just wonderful"
Jerry Ford [States]


"Best music ‘bio’ I’ve read this year. It’s more than your average ‘sex drugs and rock n’ roll’ story (although there is plenty of that). The memoirs of ‘The Indian of the Group’ offer a revealing commentary on his times as well as his own adventures; an interesting life lived in interesting times.

What makes this a fascinating read is not only Jimmy’s tale ( - in many ways it’s an ‘American Dream’ story: from Reservation to rock star) but the insights he offers on others he met and worked with in the music business – a flick through the index is like a who’s who of anybody who was anybody on the scene.

Weighing in at almost 300 pages, beautifully laid out, richly illustrated and reasonably priced – ask Santa to stuff one in your stocking this Yuletide."
Paul McAree [England]


"Jimmy Carl Black: what a man! I met him in 1980 and we always stayed in touch. I remember a beautiful session in our Siesta Studios in Holland with the Muffin Men! And the day my cohort Menno Kalmann and I spent at his and Monika's house when I made a four hour radio documentary about Freak Out! "The Timekeeper" as he called himself clearly had a very paradoxal attitude towards his time with Frank Zappa who I also knew well. His open approach to this period and his life in general is typical for this beautiful book. What a read! And how well documented and put in perspective with all the fantastic footnotes. So what if there are some inaccuracies (corrected in the aforementioned footnotes): so what if he may have opinions you do or don't agree with? So what that he witnessed and participated in the origin of one of the most important musical groups EVER? You have to read this book! Therefore, you HAVE to buy this book! You will love it, trust me."
Co de Kloet [Nederland]



[& thanks to all of you who have been so kind to write up such positive reviews of Jimmy's Memoirs]